If there are options you are interested in and do not see here please let us know and we can see what we can do for you.
If you have a custom need that
needs a custom building Tote-A-Shed is the company
for you.
These are a few examples of some of the custom buildings
that Tote-A-Shed has made.
We have built custom buildings for Schools, US Postal
Service, Energy companies, Oil companies, Ranches,
Boarding Facilities, The National Western Stock Show,
Upholstery company, Storage companies, Hunting Guide
Companies, Airports, Shooting Ranges, County Fair
Grounds, Apartment Complexes, and many more.
See our image gallery below
and a list of additional custom options
we have created at the bottom of this page.
Also please take a look at our here.
Standard Garage Door |
Stall Front with Feeder |
Windows |
Center Wall Divider |
Insulation |
Skylight |
Complete Floor |
Galvanizing |
Tack Room |
Panel Hangers Movable
Bridle Rack |
Half Wall with Safety Bars |
T-A-S Gate |
Moveable Bridle Hook |
Moveable Blanket Rack |
Saddle Rack (3 Racks) |
Cupola w/ or w/o Weather Vein |
Stall Mat |
Wind Enclosure |
Shelves |
Dutch Door |
Canister Door |
Double Door |
Back Sliding Door |
Additional Custom Options: |
- Small Animal Openings
- Electrical